.ocx fileWMPlv.ocx : Free Download

Download and install WMPlv.ocx to fix missing or corrupted ocx errors.

.OCX files such as WMPlv.ocx are designed to enhance the functionality of software applications. These files are commonly utilized for tasks such as graphical user interfaces (GUI), user input management, or communication with external devices.

TODO: <公司名>
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x86 (32 bit)
Metadata Consensus: 1/1 Files (100%)
Last Updated: Oct 3rd, 2024

About WMPlv.ocx

The file "WMPlv.ocx" is an ActiveX control likely developed to integrate Windows Media Player functionality into Windows-based applications. This control allows developers to embed media playback capabilities directly within their applications, enabling users to play audio and video files without needing to launch an external media player.

The WMPlv ActiveX Control would provide essential features for controlling media playback, such as play, pause, stop, volume adjustment, and navigation through media tracks. It supports a wide range of media formats, leveraging the capabilities of Windows Media Player to provide a seamless multimedia experience.

This control is particularly useful in applications that require media playback features, such as multimedia presentations, educational software, or applications that involve music and video streaming. By integrating the WMPlv.ocx control, developers can enhance their applications with robust media capabilities while ensuring a user-friendly interface for interacting with multimedia content.

In summary, "WMPlv.ocx" is an ActiveX control designed to facilitate the integration of Windows Media Player functionality into applications. It allows developers to embed media playback capabilities, providing users with a seamless experience for playing audio and video files directly within the application.

Updated Oct 19th, 2024 : File information is supported by Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that this information may not be up-to-date or entirely accurate.


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Possible Solutions
  • Re-installing the application may restore missing ocx files and fix errors.
  • Download and install a new copy of WMPlv.ocx to fix errors or issues.
  • Make sure Microsoft Windows is up to date for the best experience.
  • In some cases, you may need to register the .ocx file in Windows.
Windows Error Examples
This application has failed to start because WMPlv.ocx was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
WMPlv.ocx Not Found.
1 Versions Available
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