.ocx filevsflex8l.ocx : Download

Download and install vsflex8l.ocx to fix missing or corrupted ocx errors.
Select a version or variant to download. In most cases, this would be the latest version (32/64-bit) from the appropriate company.
Showing 3/3 results.
by ComponentOne
for VSFlexGrid8
VSFlexGrid8 (Light)
Version: 8, 0, 20101, 261
Product Version: 8, 0, 20101, 261
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 672.4KB
SHA1 daf1b0a988d7443f4e2397fa6b2ab41ee1d988cd
MD5 f31fac45b1e865d694e7f0fd7a0934d3
by ComponentOne
for VSFlexGrid8
VSFlexGrid8 (Light)
Version: 8, 0, 20052, 221
Product Version: 8, 0, 20052, 221
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 552KB
SHA1 00fb74d0ace4b7c0992068879f85af18f9869d90
MD5 a9f89496c90b38b8704bd6957fca2e46
by ComponentOne
for VSFlexGrid8
VSFlexGrid8 (Light)
Version: 8 0 20032 180
Product Version: 8, 0, 20032, 180
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 504KB
MD5 db4674f062728bea1e81c3b87767162b
3 Versions Available
Select an available version to download.