.ocx filesstree.ocx : Free Download

Download and install sstree.ocx to fix missing or corrupted ocx errors.

.OCX files such as sstree.ocx are designed to enhance the functionality of software applications. These files are commonly utilized for tasks such as graphical user interfaces (GUI), user input management, or communication with external devices.

Sheridan Software Systems, Inc.
SSTree ActiveX Control
x86 (32 bit)
Metadata Consensus: 1/1 Files (100%)
Last Updated: Aug 26th, 2019

About sstree.ocx

The file "sstree.ocx" is an ActiveX control developed by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. for use with ActiveTreeView, specifically referred to as the SSTree ActiveX Control. This control is designed to provide a tree view structure for displaying hierarchical data, making it easy for users to navigate and manage nested information.

Key Features and Functions:

  • Hierarchical Data Representation: SSTree allows developers to create tree structures that can display items in a parent-child relationship. This is useful for applications that need to represent data like file systems, organizational charts, or categorized lists.

  • User Interaction: The control supports various user interactions, such as expanding and collapsing tree nodes, selecting items, and dragging and dropping nodes. This interactivity enhances the user experience by allowing for intuitive navigation and management of hierarchical data.

  • Customization Options: Developers can customize the appearance and behavior of the tree view, including node styles, icons, colors, and font settings. This ensures that the tree view aligns with the overall design of the application.

  • Dynamic Data Loading: sstree.ocx may support dynamic loading of data, meaning that nodes can be populated or expanded based on user actions. This is particularly beneficial for large datasets where loading all data at once may not be efficient.


By incorporating sstree.ocx into their applications, developers can enhance data organization and navigation capabilities. This control is particularly valuable in various contexts, such as:

  • File Management Systems: Allowing users to browse files and directories in a structured manner.
  • Configuration Tools: Enabling users to view and modify settings or options organized hierarchically.
  • Content Management Systems: Providing an organized view of documents, articles, or other content types.


In summary, "sstree.ocx" is an ActiveX control developed by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. for ActiveTreeView, offering functionalities for creating and managing hierarchical tree structures within Windows applications. It enhances user interaction and data organization, making it a valuable tool for applications that require intuitive navigation of nested information.

Updated Oct 20th, 2024 : File information is supported by Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that this information may not be up-to-date or entirely accurate.


Dev Notes


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Possible Solutions
  • Re-installing the application may restore missing ocx files and fix errors.
  • Download and install a new copy of sstree.ocx to fix errors or issues.
  • Make sure Microsoft Windows is up to date for the best experience.
  • In some cases, you may need to register the .ocx file in Windows.
Windows Error Examples
This application has failed to start because sstree.ocx was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
sstree.ocx Not Found.
1 Versions Available
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