.ocx filemswinsck.ocx : Download

Download and install mswinsck.ocx to fix missing or corrupted ocx errors.
Select a version or variant to download. In most cases, this would be the latest version (32/64-bit) from the appropriate company.
Showing 9/9 results.
Filtering results by Product : 'Microsoft Winsock Control' Remove
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
November 24 2013
Version: 6.01.9839
Product Version: 6.01.9839
Size 124.6KB
MD5 57325d394119db3d3b3cf8a3bbfda5ca
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
July 14 2009
Version: 6.01.9817
Product Version: 6.01.9817
Size 123.8KB
MD5 0e552f559edb48ac376a1e54b20996fd
Uploader: Version
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
February 23, 2004
Version: 6.01.9782
Product Version: 6.01.9782
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 121.8KB
SHA1 4e97bf9519c83835da9db309e61ec87ddf165167
MD5 e8a2190a9e8ee5e5d2e0b599bbf9dda6
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
September 14, 2000
Version: 6.00.8988
Product Version: 6.00.8988
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 106.7KB
MD5 293c100f64d7fd59591587e1006e04a1
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
September 14, 2000
Version: 6.00.8988
Product Version: 6.00.8988
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 106.7KB
SHA1 6c9d2ecdd7c2d1b9660d342e2b95a82229486d27
MD5 3d8fd62d17a44221e07d5c535950449b
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
September 14, 2000
Version: 6.00.8988
Product Version: 6.00.8988
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 108KB
SHA1 cc3e60ba8475089676aa402cb62223366ff58f34
MD5 e2ed33081890d5dd719a309d3946d6c2
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
March 14, 2000
Version: 6.00.8804
Product Version: 6.00.8804
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 106.7KB
MD5 851f34233b9ec424695815cad2a909d8
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
June 18, 1998
Version: 6.00.8169
Product Version: 6.00.8169
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 105.9KB
MD5 3f53d7be56c2331663307fcba6d857d0
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft Winsock Control
Microsoft Winsock Control DLL
June 18, 1998
Version: 6.00.8169
Product Version: 6.00.8169
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 105.8KB
MD5 9484c04258830aa3c2f2a70eb041414c
9 Versions Available
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